This short treatise on Pope Francis and ecumenism is a must read for all believers. The authors examine Pope Francis' more open-minded views, his humility, his Christlike love, and his laser focus on living the gospel message. They challenge their readers to examine their own beliefs, and each chapter provides thought provoking questions to promote interfaith dialogue. In a world where thousands of Christian denominations not only exist but thrive, in which people of faith sometimes bunker down in their own denominations where they don't hear opposing views, and in a world where religious wars have been fought for centuries, promoting church unity is not only helpful but absolutely essential. I believe the authors have laid out a wonderful path to bringing people of faith together in common bond. "Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk into a Bar" is meant to be used as a small group study, but individuals can also benefit from reading it. A slow, careful reading and giving myself time to ponder each chapter's message allowed me to get the most out of this book. I pray the book can spark a flame for unity within the church. Thank you Netgalley and John Knox Press for the advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
"Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk Into a Bar" --A Review
This short treatise on Pope Francis and ecumenism is a must read for all believers. The authors examine Pope Francis' more open-minded views, his humility, his Christlike love, and his laser focus on living the gospel message. They challenge their readers to examine their own beliefs, and each chapter provides thought provoking questions to promote interfaith dialogue. In a world where thousands of Christian denominations not only exist but thrive, in which people of faith sometimes bunker down in their own denominations where they don't hear opposing views, and in a world where religious wars have been fought for centuries, promoting church unity is not only helpful but absolutely essential. I believe the authors have laid out a wonderful path to bringing people of faith together in common bond. "Jesus, Pope Francis, and a Protestant Walk into a Bar" is meant to be used as a small group study, but individuals can also benefit from reading it. A slow, careful reading and giving myself time to ponder each chapter's message allowed me to get the most out of this book. I pray the book can spark a flame for unity within the church. Thank you Netgalley and John Knox Press for the advance reader copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
A new year means new hobbies...
...or should I say renewed hobbies. While I was putting together this blog for the new year, I was reminded of the last blog I maintained. When I reminisced about the old blog, I began to miss the hobbies I enjoyed at that time. After a few moments of looking through old photos and years old digiscrap layouts on my old blog, I found myself perusing the virtual shelves of my former favorite digiscrap haunts. When I browsed through pages of digi goodies and noticed all the New Year's sales, I found myself dusting off the trusty ol' paypal. After a few clicks and a slight lightening of my purse, I wandered through the challenge forum at one of my favorite forums. And after I found a challenge I liked, I scrapped my first page in a little over three years. I'm a little rusty, but I'm fairly happy with the result, and I'm already itching to take on the next challenge. Without further ado, I shall share with you the result of my if you give a Meg a blog saga.
*The Credits (ie This LO wouldn't be possible without these ladies lovely products.)*
*The Credits (ie This LO wouldn't be possible without these ladies lovely products.)*
Stardust Basics and Reflecting Basics both by Laurie AnnGrandma's Garden by Little Butterfly WingsRandom Words by Designs by LiliOnce Upon a Memory by The Edits
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2014 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
My absolute favorite genre is historical fiction, so when I stumbled across this challenge, I knew I had to sign up. Since I will also be working on a centuries challenge in 2014, I'll have twelve books to bring over from that challenge. I hope to finish the Medieval level, but may be able to reach Ancient History level if everything goes right.
Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:
- everyone can participate, even those who don't have a blog (you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish)
- add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please, do not add your blog link, but the correct address that will guide us directly to your review)
- any kind of historical fiction is accepted (HF fantasy, HF young adult,...)
20th century reader - 2 books
Victorian reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Reading Outside the Box 2014
Reading Outside the Box 2014.
Check it out HERE.
This year we will be stretching out reading boundaries a little bit more! If you thought 2013 was tough, wait until you see this list! You will definitely be reading Outside the Box this time around! I had fun making up the categories and added one just for YOU! Make up your category and share it with the rest of us! I will ADD them to the list and allow people to chose the one you made up, or their own!
I hope you have fun! In 2014, I will also be better at getting the posts up for you to share your reviews. And we will have a Wrap-Up in December, so that everyone can see what you read in one simple post!
Here are the Categories
(to see what you are getting yourself in to this year!)
*The ones I'd like to participate in are highlighted in green and the books that cover the challenge will be typed in blue.
Classics are the new black – read a classic novel
It’s a serial thing – you’ve read the first in a series (or even three of them), it’s time to read another!
Lost in translation – time to read a book that was first written in another language and then translated.
It’s about time! – read a book that has been sitting on your shelf for at least two years! (and haven’t read it yet!)
By the numbers – read a book with a Number in the title
Weird Science! – read a book that features some form of science – and maybe discover an untapped passion.
I just love a good Duet – a book written by more than one author.
New Guy in Town – read a Debut book written by a new author.
Almost Human – read a book from the perspective of an animal – or an alien – or a robot! (at least feature an ‘almost human’)
Chunkster-time! – read a book that is longer 500 pages. (Time to dust off War and Peace)
Random Rescue – go to a used book store and RANDOMLY pick a book! (could even be from a grab-bag)
Under-Aged Writer – read a book by an author who is not yet 21. Here's a little help.
Time for exercise – read a book that is set in or around a sport or exercise activity (like yoga or baseball). This can be fiction or nonfiction!
Make-Believe - This category is just for YOU! (and anyone who wants to try it!) Here is your chance to let others know what would get you outside of your Comfort Zone!
Here are the levels
Choose your level – just how far out of the box do you want to go?
I’m a little Scared: 3-4 categories
It’s not so bad out here!: 5-7 categories
Look at me, outside my comfort zone!: 8-10 categories
Outside In!: 11-13 categories
No Box can Contain Me!: I did ALL 14!
Now, for the deets!
This challenge will run from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014.
1. Sign up any time. However, sign-ups will close 1 December 2014
2. You cannot use any books or reading material that was readbefore 1 January 2014.
3. This year you can post at any time under the Category found below, but you must post a link to your review for it to count! If you don’t have a blog, be sure to link up the review you did in GoodReads, Amazon, Library Thing, etc. We need to read your review!
4. Share the Love (PLEASE!?!) – Write your intentions on your blog, link back to this post, have the button on a side bar, so others will know what fun you are having, and they can have it too!
5. You cannot use one book for multiple categories. You can, however, read a book for this challenge and use it for another challenge.
6. Comment below with how comfortable you are of climbing out of your literary box! BUT, don’t feel you have to be tied to that level! You are shy and want to start slowly but love the feeling of the air outside of where you are…go for it! You thought you wouldn't be contained and think that the box is warm and comfy, that’s okay too!
7. Be encouraging! Sometimes it’s a little frightening coming out of your comfort zone. Go to the other participants’ sites and give them words to help free them. Offer suggestions on the best ways to climb out of the box – give them a ladder that they can use!
8. Optional – share books. Be willing to swap books with other participants (unless they are library books, or books that are not yours, then you might find yourself in a whole other type of box, and I can’t help you then!)
9. Make sure you post your reviews every month. Who knows, I just might have a surprise giveaway that month!
Romance Reading Challenge 2014
I can't believe it's time for Romance Reading Challenge 2014. Love is in the air people.
I started this reading challenge in 2008 and this will be my sixth year running it. I want to say a big "thank you!" to all who join and participate. You rock. Last year 40 readers joined and 89 reviews were posted! I love seeing this challenge generate interest and inspire people to read a little romance. Love makes the world go round doesn't it?
Without further ado, here are the rules:

2. "Romance" isn't limited to steamy Harlequin novels. There is a huge selection of books in this category such as contemporary romance, historical romance, new adult romance, romantic suspense and paranormal romance to name a few. As long as the story has romantic love between the two main characters your selection will fit this challenge. The novels do not need to have a happy ending either, there can also be unrequited love.
3. Choose at least 5 novels to read. You can change your choices at any time. Crossovers between other challenges are fine.
All kinds of books count, ebooks and audiobooks as well. Re-reads are fine, no ARC's or review request copies. The books you read for the challenge should be books you choose as personal reads, not books that are review requests from authors or publicists. Books you request for yourself are fine...i.e. NetGalley books.
Below is my list of five romance novels that I plan to read this year, but I will probably end up with two or three times as many by year's end.
- Written in my Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon
- The Dancing Master by Julie Klasse
- Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
- The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley
- Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky
52 Books in 52 Weeks and Other Mini Challenges

Also the home of Well Educated Mind, Nobel Prize Winners, Around the World and various mini challenges.
The rules are very simple and the goal is to read one book (at least) a week for 52 weeks.
- The challenge will run from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.
- Our book weeks will begin on Sunday
- Participants may join at any time.
- All books are acceptable except children books.**
- All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
- Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2013.
- Books may overlap other challenges.
- Create an entry post linking to this blog.
- Come back and sign up with Mr. Linky in the "I'm participating post" below this post.
- You don't have a blog to participate. Post your weekly book in the comments section of each weekly post.
- Mr. Linky will be added to the bottom of the weekly post for you to link to reviews of your most current reads.
- 9th Century- Settlers of Catan by Rebecca Gable and Lee Chadeayne
- 10th Century- The Island House by Posie Graeme-Evans
- 11th Century- Macbeth by Shakespeare
- 12th Century- Lady of the English or The Summer Queen by Elizabeth Chadwick
- 13th Century- Four Sisters, All Queens by Sherry Jones
- 14th Century- Burnable Book by Bruce Holsinger
- 15th Century- Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
- 16th Century- Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
- 17th Century- Bloodletter's Daughter by Linda Lafferty
- 18th Century- Written in my Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon
- 19th Century- The Dancing Master by Julie Klassen
- 20th Century- Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky
Other mini challenges that I am interested in participating in if time permits include:
- Banned or challenged book
- Pick a book based on cover
- Pick a book with a color in the title
- Pick a book with a number in the title
- Read a biography
- Read a book from the Goodreads abandoned book list
- Read a book on history
- Read a book published in 2014
- Read a British mystery
- Read a classic
- Read a dystopian novel
- Read a play
- Read a retelling of a fairy tale
- Read the next book in a series
Anne & Kristilyn’s 2014 Book Bingo Reading Challenge
While browsing through reading challenges for 2014, I came across Anne&Kristilyn's BINGO Challenge 2014, and just had to sign up. It looks like it is going to be a fun challenge. You can click the bingo card below to visit the challenge page.
Of course, a challenge isn’t really a challenge unless there are some rules and guidelines:
1 book from my TBR pile -
2 books from my TBR pile -
3 books from my TBR pile -
4 books from my TBR pile -
5 books from my TBR pile -
Mix It Up
1 non-fiction book -
1 classic novel –
1 re-read book –
1 free square –
1 contemporary novel -
1 series book –
2 series books –
3 series books –
4 series books –
5 series books –
1 fantasy novel -
1 free square -
1 historical fiction novel -
1 mystery novel -
1 romance novel -
New Releases
1 new release – The Dancing Master *in progress*
2 new releases –
3 new releases -
4 new releases -
5 new releases -
Of course, a challenge isn’t really a challenge unless there are some rules and guidelines:
- Be awesome. If you’re not, this isn’t going to work.
- The challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2014.
- If you want to participate, you can join in any time of the year! Feel free to write up a blog post with the rules linking back to my and Anne’s blog in your sign-up post. You can add your post to the Linky at the end of this post!
- If you read one book for the “1 book” in any category, you can’t change it later on when you read another book to “2 books.” Once a square is crossed off, it’s crossed off for good! (Feel free to print off the scoreboard to keep track!) Books read for one square are for that square ONLY and cannot be counted towards another category. This is all about reading ALL THE BOOKS.
- The FREE SQUARES are a little different this year — now you can use those squares to read ANY book you like of any genre! Woo!
- You can start your board over again, but ONLY if you receive the stamp of awesome by completing a blackout. The “winners” of the challenge will be the ones who achieve the most winning combinations by the end of 2014.
- You can feel free to post your reading list for each category, though it’s not a requirement.
- Having a blog or writing reviews for books read is not required. So long as you want to have fun, you can participate!
- Every 3 months I will post an update here and all participants can link to their own updates. An update post will go up April 1st, July 1st, October 1st, and December 31st.
- This isn’t a race, but don’t be afraid to rub your reads in the other player’s face. This will be seen as encouragement. Feel free to use the hashtag #BookBingo2014 on Twitter!
1 book from my TBR pile -
2 books from my TBR pile -
3 books from my TBR pile -
4 books from my TBR pile -
5 books from my TBR pile -
Mix It Up
1 non-fiction book -
1 classic novel –
1 re-read book –
1 free square –
1 contemporary novel -
1 series book –
2 series books –
3 series books –
4 series books –
5 series books –
1 fantasy novel -
1 free square -
1 historical fiction novel -
1 mystery novel -
1 romance novel -
New Releases
1 new release – The Dancing Master *in progress*
2 new releases –
3 new releases -
4 new releases -
5 new releases -
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